Super Bowl TV Commercials - Our Favorites
In honor of the upcoming Super Bowl (and our love of great commercials), we thought we'd share our favorites. We all agreed that the Clydesdale commercials were good. And then there were the Doritos commercials - an area that Twiin Media is familiar with (we have produced one ourselves).
But below are the ones that made the biggest impression on each of us. The general criteria we used was whether it was creative, compelling, and memorable. Because the sponsors sometimes remove them from YouTube (don't know why...after all, they're commercials!), included are static screenshots with a link to the commercials. So if they're removed, you'll still see the screenshots.
Volkswagen's "The Force"
I really like the whole Star Wars saga (even the last one :) ). So seeing the little boy dressed up as Darth Vadar was amazing. The commercial was really creative and, while I call it the 'Darth Vader kid' commercial, I remember Voltwagen as having made it. So they definitely scored.
Nissan's "Enjoy the Ride"
This ad used what looks like GI Joe, Barbie and Ken as a miniature (Nissan) car drives through a house and is used to 'get the girl'. The interesting thing I learned later was that Mattel sued Nissan back then for using the likeness of their dolls. But Nissan (Chiat/Day) came back and said that the dolls were named Roxanne, Nick and Tad and were modeled after some actors. It's a very creative commercial and Twiin Media went on to produce a movie using dolls as well called "Dude's Day".
Apple's "1984 - Big Brother"
Shown only one time on TV, the epic spot quickly became the television commercial standard. It's really unusual and is hard to forget. I was like a lot of others when I first saw it - 'what was that?!'. Steve Jobs and company followed through with the Macintosh and then, through fits and starts, built the company that took over the industry over the last 35 years.
Do you have a favorite? We'd like to hear!